Saint Andrew's Orthodox Church School

Our Values

Values of our School

‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.’

At Saint Andrew’s Orthodox Church School we see each pupil and each member of staff as a child of God, created to live with Him eternally – in joy and truth. We see our life as an opportunity to cultivate a loving relationship with the Lord. Our values stem from this.


We strive for goodness, purity of heart and mind. This is the foundation needed for achieving good loving relationship with God, healthy relationships with other people, and success as learners. It allows us to live in thankfulness (Eucharistically). In everything that we do, we seek: love, joy and peace.


Celtic Cross - symbolizing our values We value the ability to live and work profitably with others. Friendship, forgiveness, prayer, teamwork, accountability, kindness and simplicity all have a role to play. So does being peacemakers, showing charity, and love, respect and compassion, faithfulness, forbearance, gentleness, and self-control. We stress doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Doing everything we do to the Glory of God

To be the best we can be requires us to aim high and strive to attain our personal best. We can only achieve this if we cultivate faith, patience, courage and humility.

Lifelong Learners

A good primary education is only the beginning. It can only be called good if it gives you the skills and motivations needed to keep growing in knowledge and wisdom until your last day. First of all we cultivate a love for wisdom and truthfulness. Our school builds knowledge and understanding. It promotes joy, because joy enables us to develop as: attentive, curious, creative, and persevering life-long learners.